Claims Numbers by Carrier

Galis Stewart Insurance agents are committed to providing superior service when it matters most.  If you have a claim, we want you to know that your local agents are here for you.  In the event that we are not available, below is a list of contacts for our carriers.  


Central Mutual Insurance: (888) 263-2924

Frankenmuth Insurance: (989) 652-6121

Auto Owners Insurance: (888) 252-4626

Assurant Flood Insurance: (800) 423-4403

Wright National Flood Insurance: (866) 373-5663

National General Insurance: (800) 468-3466

Universal Property and Casualty: (800) 425-9113

Frontline Insurance: (866) 673-0623

Risk Placement Services: (844) 777-8323

North Point: (800) 669-3905

Southern Trust Insurance: (844) 812-2660

Johnson & Johnson Insurance: (800) 487-7565 ext. 5024

Travelers Insurance: (800) 252-4633

Progressive Insurance: (800) 274-4499

Foremost Insurance: (800) 527-3907

Strickland General Insurance: (800) 825-5742

Burns & Wilcox: (800) 765-9700

AmWins: (800) 829-7330

My Wife’s Tree Service (912) 223-9282

Robert’s Tree Service (912) 402-4694

D&M Tree Service (912) 671-7249

Jacob’s Tree Service (912) 778-5823

A&W Cleaning Service (912) 602-9622